When you donate to the Argonaut Rowing Club, you are building on 150 years of history and tradition to help us prepare for and develop the next generation of rowers. Our volunteer-run club relies on donations like yours to provide affordable access to all.
To receive a charitable receipt for your donation (over $10.01) please make your gift via the National Sport Trust Fund, administered by the Ontario Sport Network.
If you would like to direct your gift to one of the club’s specific causes listed on the OSN page, please also send an email to fundraising@argonautrowingclub.com indicating your wishes.
Please consider directing your gift to the Martha Coffey Junior Development Fund (MCJDF) which provides financial assistance to junior athletes for whom membership and other fees are a barrier to participation. You can read more about the MCJDF here.
A planned gift is a wonderful way to ensure future generations will continue to enjoy the unique benefits of rowing in our beautiful environment while allowing you and your family to maximize the financial rewards of your philanthropy.
Contact: fundraising@argonautrowingclub.com